Additional Resources for Genetic Diseases
If you are looking for additional information related to genetic diseases, you may find these resources helpful:
- ThinkGenetic: ThinkGenetic is an interactive app and website that provides personalized, research-based answers to questions about genetic diseases.
- National Society of Genetic Counselors: The National Society of Genetic Counselors is an online directory where you can search for a genetic counselor in your area.
- JScreen: JScreen is a nonprofit public health initiative that provides easy home test kits for people of Jewish descent. Genetic counselors from Emory University School of Medicine assess the results and provide additional information and resources.
- 23andMe: 23andMe was founded to empower individuals and develop new ways of accelerating research. The members of 23andMe have come together because we believe in the combined potential of genetics and the Internet to have a significant, positive impact. These core values represent what motivates us at 23andMe.
- Center for Jewish Genetics: The Center for Jewish Genetics is an educational resource for hereditary cancers and Jewish genetic disorders. The center offers subsidized genetic counseling and screening.
- Jewish Genetic Disease Consortium: The Jewish Genetic Disease Consortium is an alliance of nonprofits that encourages genetic screening for everyone who has any Jewish heritage.
- Victor Center for the Prevention of Jewish Genetic Diseases: The Victor Center for the Prevention of Jewish Genetic Diseases provides affordable genetic counseling and screening for healthy people who are at risk of being carriers.
- Genetic Disease Discussion Group: This discussion group is a great way to connect with others interested in Gaucher disease. It enables individuals who are concerned with Gaucher disease and similarly genetically-based diseases to network and communicate. Subscribers include patients, health professionals, researchers, family members and religious leaders. This is a membership only group and requires subscription.
Find out more about resources for Gaucher disease patients and families.