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Lindsay plans danceathon in Montville Twp. to fight Gaucher disease

Montville resident Lindsay Zuckerman is on a mission to reach out to others in the hopes of finding a cure for Type 1 Gaucher disease. At the age of 2, Lindsay, who is now 12, was diagnosed with this disease.

Lindsay said that doctors ordered blood tests on her because her parents are known carriers of the disease. Other tests that followed were bone scans and ultrasounds that measured the size of her organs, such as the liver and spleen.

She said that both her parents are of Jewish Ashkenazic descent and that the disease is more prevalent in that population.

Approximately one in 450 people will be diagnosed with the disease, while one in 10 is a carrier of the disease…

…”Nobody wants to have a disease like this, however, thanks to medical advances and the work of the National Gaucher Foundation (NGF), which helped push and fund the enzyme replacement therapy through development, clinical trials, and ultimately into the market to be available for patients, those with Type 1 Gaucher disease can live a pretty normal happy and productive life,” Lindsay said…

…Today, at the age of 12 Lindsay is an active, happy, and productive young lady, who has not let the disease get the best of her.

With all that she has gone through, she has now set out on a mission to raise funds for the continued programs needed to help those dealing with the disease.

And what better way to do that than by having a danceathon featuring the music of JK Productions, along with games, contest, raffles, and refreshments.

The event will take place on Sunday, Jan. 31, from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Pine Brook Jewish Center (PBJC) at 174 Changebridge Rd. The event is open to everyone.

Registration and RSVP is required by Jan. 24. Send an email to or call Michelle Zuckerman at 973-886-5456.

All attendees are asked to be a sponsor. If you are unable to attend, you can send a tax-deductible donation that will be very much appreciated.

Sponsor levels are: Friends of Lindsay, $18-$99; bronze, $100-$249; silver, $250-$499; gold, $500-$999; and platinum, $1,000.

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