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University of South Florida

  • Comprehensive Treatment Center

    Center provides infusions; Gaucher Specialist(s) and Genetic Counseling for comprehensive care.

  • Treatment Center

    Center provides infusions & Gaucher Specialist(s) for care.


13101 Bruce B Downs Blvd

Tampa, FL 33612


Genetic Counselors

Additional Information

Type of Center
Comprehensive Treatment Center

How many Gaucher patients are treated at your facility?

The majority of Gaucher patients treated at the center are:
Children, Adolescents, Adults

Does your treatment center only offer infusions?

What is the average patient wait time from arrival to receiving infusion?
46 minutes or more

Which of the following services do Gaucher patients receive at your treatment center?

  1. Appointments with a Gaucher specialist
  2. Biweekly infusions
  3. Appointments with a genetic counselor

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